Dr. Dianne Maing
Tel. 705.970.3891
48 Alliance Blvd., Unit A203,
Barrie, ON L4M 5K3

Dr. Maing continues to accept appointments via telehealth (phone or secure video conferencing. Contact her to book your appointment.
Group Therapy
Teen Anxiety Group
Teens, between the ages of 12 - 15 years, will benefit from this small group of approximately three to six children. Areas of difficulty include: School attendance, peer interaction and relationships, and class presentations. The program uses a Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy approach to help teens identify and use positive coping strategies to manage and reduce anxiety. Core skills include identifying anxious thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, exploring more realistic thinking, and gradually facing fears. Additional skills taught are problem-solving, assertiveness, and relaxation. Practice tasks between sessions are important.
When: Thursday March 26, 2020, and runs once a week for 6 weeks.
Time: 4.30 - 6 p.m.
Where: A203- 48 Alliance Blvd, Barrie
Cost: $60 per child per session. The cost may be covered by Extended Health Care benefits. Please check with your insurance company.
Facilitators: Dr. Dianne Maing, Psychologist
Registration: Open. Spaces are limited.